How we can help!

¡ Cómo Podemos Ayudar !


Located at 4337 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538

From Route 9 (Albany Post Road) turn onto Harvey St.. Follow the signs down Harvey St., then a left through the gate, followed by another left, which brings you to the kitchen side door of the former Regina Coeli School building. While waiting in line, please do not block any driveways on Harvey St.. 

Situado en 4337 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538

Desde la ruta 9 (Albany Post Road) gire hacia Harvey St..  Siga las señales por la calle Harvey, luego a la izquierda a través de la verja, seguido por otra izquierda, que lo lleva a la puterta lateral de la cocina del antiguo edificio de la Escuela Regina Coeli.  Mientras espera en la fila, por favor no bloquee ningún camino de entrada en Harvey St..

Hours of Operation: Every Friday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. The Gates close at 11:15 a.m.. Those who have come through the gates before 11:15 a.m. will be served.

** PLEASE NOTE: The Hyde Park Food Pantry is closed whenever HPCSD has a 2 hour delay or a closure due to inclement weather.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Horario de Funcionamiento: Todos los viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 11:30 a.m. Las puertas se cierran a las 11:15 a.m.. Aquellos que hayan pasado por las puertas antes de las 11:15 a.m. serán atendidos.

** POR FAVOR TENGA EN CUENTA: La despensa de alimentos de Hyde Park está cerrada siempre que HPCSD tenga un retraso de 2 horas o un cierre debido a las inclemencias del tiempo.

No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta.

Email / Correo electrónico :

Cellphone / Teléfono : (845) 873-2046

WhatsApp : +1 845 873 2046


The Hyde Park Food Pantry, Inc. serves residents of the Hyde Park Central School District by providing access to a supplemental supply of nutritious food. All items are free of charge to eligible recipients.


Hyde Park Food Pantry, Inc. sirve a los residentes del Distrito Escolar Central de Hyde Park proporcionando acceso a un suplementario surtido de alimentos nutritivos.  Todos los articulos son gratuitos para los recipientes elegibles.


Donations of non-perishable food and other items can now be dropped off

Thursdays between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.,

OR in our Donation Bin located on the side of the former Regina Coeli School building,

OR by Appointment. (Please let us know when to expect you.)

(845) 873-2046


Las donaciones de alimentos no perecederos y otros articulos ahora se pueden dejar

Los jueves entre las 9:30 y las 11:30 a.m.,

o en nuestro contenedor de donaciones, ubicado al lado del antiguo edificio de la Escuela Regina Coeli,

o con cita previa.  (Por favor, háganos saber cuándo esperarlo.)   

(845) 873-2046

Monetary Donations can be sent to/Donaciones monetarias se pueden enviar a:

HYDE PARK FOOD PANTRY, Inc., PO Box 171, Hyde Park NY 12538.

Efficiency and Stewardship

The Hyde Park Food Pantry operates in an efficient manner. For every $1.00 we spend at the Regional Food Bank of NENY, we receive more than $10.00 worth of food! This is much better than if we were to spend donors’ money at the local grocery stores. Monetary Donations are especially appreciated since we can purchase food through the Regional Food Bank at much lower prices.

Eficiencia y Administración

La despensa de alimentos de Hyde Park funciona de manera eficiente. Por cada 1.00$ que gastamos en el Banco REgional de Alimentos de NENY, recibimos más de 10.00$ en comida! Esto es mucho mejor que si tuviéramos que gastar el dinero de los donantes en las tiendas de comestibles locales. Las donaciones monetarias son especialmente apreciadas, ya que podemos comprar alimentos a través del Banco Regional de Alimentos a precios mucho más bajos. https://regional

2023 Donors and Supporters

2023 Donantes y partidarios

*Church of Regina Coeli : The Hyde Park Food Pantry is grateful to the Church for underwriting much of the costs of utilities at 28 Harvey St. over the years, and now for the opportunity to rent two rooms in the former Regina Coeli School Building. Without Regina Coeli Church’s generosity we would not have the space to provide a supplemental supply of nutritious food to the eligible residents of the Hyde Park community.

*Iglesia de Regina Coeli : La despensa de alimentos de Hyde Park está agradecida a la Iglesia por suscribir gran parte de los costos de los servicios públicos en el 28 de la calle Harvey a lo largo de los años, y ahora por la oportunidad de alquilar dos habitaciones en el antiguo edificio de la Escuela Regina Coeli. Sin la generosiddad de la Iglesia Regina Coeli, no tendríamos el espacio para proporcionar un suministro suplementario de alimentos nutritivos a los residentes elegibles de la comunidad de Hyde Park.

*Brewster Exelbert Chiropractic Food Drive

*Claudio Cares Foundation

*Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley

*FDR High School Varsity Club Food Drive

*Fearless K9 Dog Training

*Haviland Middle School Student Government

*Haviland Middle School Staff

*Hyde Park Library Food Drive

*Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce

*Hyde Park Community Garden

*Hyde Park Farmers’ Market

*Hyde Park United Methodist Church

*John and Gloria Golden Fund for Hyde Park

*Moose Lodge #904

*National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, 2nd Saturday in May

*NYS Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program (HPNAP) Grant

*NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Taconic Region Headquarters Food Drive

*Pellegrino Healing Center Food Drive

*Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York (Operational Support Grant and Gratitude Grants)

*Shipping Place & More (donated a sign for the Food Pantry Donations Bin)

*Shop Rite of North Poughkeepsie and Customers

*Staatsburg Library Food Drive

*St. James Episcopal Church Outreach Committee

*St. Margaret’s Church

*Stuff the Subaru Monthly Food Drive Events (generous shoppers drop off non-perishable food items)

*Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Program

*United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region